Saturday, September 17, 2011

We have been busy the last week or so since our last post.
It feels like a whole season has gone by. I think that is partly due to the change in the weather. Shortly after our last post, the school had a fun event for the kids. A sand castle competition. It was warm then, muggy even. But last week was completely different. Rain, nearly all week. Then yesterday it turned cold all of a sudden. The wind last night howled and blew random things around all night. It feels like we have gone through every weather possibility in the last few days. China is definitely keeping us on our toes.

The sand sculpture event was a blast. the whole school was on the beach in force. We walked around, seeing all the creativity of the students and watching them play was blast. We even got dirty and chipped in with Steph's classes very realistic looking China Map. We saw Dolphins, submarines and a surprisingly comfy looking sofa.

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Weekend

Our fist weekend in Yantai, China is over. It has been great, We went to a shopping mall with some friends. We traveled on the city bus, it cost, 3rmb or 50cents US. It has been amazing to see a city in such growth, buildings are being constructed all around. Most are medium size buildings, and although the city is 6.5 million it really does feel small and quiet. The sights, smells and sounds can be a bit of sensory overload at times. But not to worry, we have found the people to be friendly, helpful and accepting. There is lots to do and see, and we are ready to enjoy all that this place has to offer.

Sunday we were woken by what can only be described as... BOMBS!!! We ran to the kitchen window to see what was going on. Lining our entire street were large red boxes with explosions coming out of them. Fireworks go with every occasion, and this was a wedding. The barrage lasted for what seemed to be ten minutes. It was a lavish wedding so they did a second blast just to make sure. The line of shiny Audi's made John drool a little. No expense was spared. The decor was, well... RED. They had a huge inflatable arch for the wedding party to walk through, and lanterns and posters. 

While Steph prepared her classroom, John went on a bike ride with one of the teachers. A good ole bloke from Australia, Nigel. He had an extra bike and we pumped up the tire and headed south, out into the country. It was a great way to get to see the area and get acclimated. The farms and villages were a nice change from the city. Although it's not noisy where we live, the quiet was welcomed.

We have a great expat community here. There are many talented and fun people to hang out with. we often get together for big family style meals and beer. One place we have been a few times serves meat on a stick. There is pork, lamb,beef, octopus, garlic cloves and many others. We eat a bunch of those and it ends up to be like 20rmbs a person, (so a few dollers US). Can't beet that. We miss everyone back home so drop us a line. Ne Hao!